Craig joined Orthotics Solutions in January 2000. Prior to Orthotic Solutions, he was employed by Nascott for 10 years. Craig’s interest in orthotics began following a traumatic logging accident in 1986, which resulted in Craig becoming a transmetatarsal amputee. Not long after the accident, he began making his own prosthetic braces in the workshop of his father, a saddle maker, because he wasn’t satisfied with the professional brace he was fitted with.
Craig attended Harmonville Training Institute and earned an A.A. Degree in Orthotic Technology and became a Certified Orthotics Technician in 2000. In 2011, Craig became an ABC Certified Orthotics Assistant. Craig spends a great deal of time bracing pediatric patients who have lower extremity physical impairments associated with cerebral palsy, spina bifida, muscular dystrophy and many other disease states. Craig is also certified to fit the TAOS Walker. While Craig treats many patients at the Frederick office, he also has regularly scheduled clinics in the Balt/Wash/MD area, and attends nursing homes and specials needs schools.
In his free time, Craig enjoys spending time with his wife, Dawn and their children, as well as, working on his family farm.